Applixure User Ideas

Our customers made these suggestions for improving Applixure, add yours too!

Disable certain data points

We in our company don't use the default local admin and create and manage our own local user. This then flags every machine with a security issue.

  • Guest
  • Feb 9 2024
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kalle Saunamäki commented
    14 Feb 08:49am

    Hi, and thanks for the suggestion!

    I should point out, however, that if by flagging that is mentioned refers to "Additional local users as members of Administrators" User accounts security notification in the device details screen, that is only shown if there are multiple local administrators group-belonging users in enabled state on a machine.

    In other words, if there is only one local administrator account (built-in Administrator or a custom one) enabled, then that indicator is in green.