Applixure User Ideas

Our customers made these suggestions for improving Applixure, add yours too!

Ability to get a list of devices with crashing software

Case: You have an alert "1 software product hangs frequently". Say this is Microsoft Edge. In the alert details you have names of the devices where Edge hangs frequently.

In this alert, if you click "Microsoft Edge" you get details of Edge, and all devices which have Edge. That is all of them, not just the ones where Edge hangs frequently.

Need: A link to a list of devices where Edge hangs frequently - not all the devices that have Edge installed.

In the alert view you can see the devices where Edge hangs frequently, but that view does not have any more details, nor is it exportable. Of course you could open the device details by clicking them one by one, but with hundreds of devices that is not reasonable to handle.

  • Vesa Takkinen
  • Feb 7 2022
  • Attach files