Applixure User Ideas

Our customers made these suggestions for improving Applixure, add yours too!

More information to history rewind

Would be nice to see more items in the history data. Examples: Changes in admin users, principal user changes, crashes, patch install dates, etc.

  • Petri Ryokas
  • Oct 22 2021
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kalle Saunamäki commented
    11 Nov, 2022 11:41am

    Device rewind now includes security readiness changes. Principal user change is not available (at least at the moment) as agent historical data does not record principal user/last user, only current agent data.

    Crashes (device) were already under events in history rewind, and patch install dates is practically same as operating system update/upgrade that was listed already as Applixure does not track individual patches per se.