Applixure User Ideas

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Installed MacOS version build date to Applixure UI

It would be great to have current MacOS version date to Applixure UI. Now this data is kind of mess. Now as an admin, I need to compare version string to Wikipedia to find when it was released. Date could be written somewhere near "Operating system:"

For example UI update:

Left pane:

OS: macOS Mojave

Version: 10.14.6 (Build 18G103)

Release date: September 26, 2019

*This release date information should be also in Windows machine data.*

Right pane:

Latest security update for the operating system not installed

Latest update 18G8022 was released on February 9, 2021.

  • Juho Yliriesto
  • Feb 16 2021
  • Attach files
  • Juho Yliriesto commented
    17 Feb, 2021 03:48pm

    Why it's not possible to show build date in this scenario? In my scenario, the user had installed Mojave rtm build and had not ever updated it. So I needed to hunt down the release date by using build version string.

    "If the last installed date (for latest updates) is not shown - only which one is the [known] latest one and link to it - then Agent has not been able to determine that information from the machine (likely due it to being a new macOS installation without any explicit update installs on top)."

  • Admin
    Kalle Saunamäki commented
    17 Feb, 2021 03:19pm

    If the last installed date (for latest updates) is not shown - only which one is the [known] latest one and link to it - then Agent has not been able to be determine that information from the machine (likely due it to being a new macOS installation without any explicit update installs on top).

    Only information that is available to Applixure at that situation is the build number, by which the determination is done whether it's the latest one ("Operating system has the latest available security update") or not ("Latest security update for operating system not installed").

    Due these, the relevant information for any non-technical user for up-to-dateness of machine is already communicated, is it not? I.e. if the machine has the latest available update applied or if it is not up to date, by the status line preceding the [optional] last install date (if known) and [optional] link to latest one (in case it is not installed) lines.

  • Juho Yliriesto commented
    17 Feb, 2021 02:37pm

    Use case would be that non-technic Applixure admin (like CFO), could instantly see from the Applixure view, when was MacOS patch released, which the device has installed, and compare it to the right pane data.

    I don't see that information: "OS updates last installed on: 09/02/2021."

  • Admin
    Kalle Saunamäki commented
    17 Feb, 2021 07:10am

    Can you please clarify little bit what the use case for knowing the actual release date for [possible outdated] operating system [version] would be?

    Currently, as in your example, we do track if the installed version is the latest or not for the MacOS as well as for Windows, and link to the latest version download (if available as separate download, which is not always the case with macOS updates due to Apple being Apple) and its release date, such as: