Applixure User Ideas

Our customers made these suggestions for improving Applixure, add yours too!

Driver errors to some view?

One of our customers wanted to see all driver errors directly from your portal. Currently this is not possible and we have two options:

1) we need to first find machine where driver is in malfunction state and then click link which directs us to list which contains computers having the exact same issue
2) access this information through API

Our customers would benefit from a solution where they could directly access this information in your portal without using, for example, PowerBI.
  • Guest
  • Sep 18 2019
  • Shipped
  • Nov 28, 2019

    Admin response

    Performance & Issues dashboard now has two new graphs related to drivers:

    First graph will do breakdown on agent devices having one or more drivers/components reporting error codes besides user disabled (common for VPN adapters) or driver not being installed. Second graph then do breakdown specifically on agent devices having one or more components without any drivers found for the component.

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