Applixure User Ideas

Our customers made these suggestions for improving Applixure, add yours too!

Date for warnings

Another issue is that applixure warns about driver issues that have been fixed long ago. The calendar does not show any data about it. Could you add date for the warnings so one could trace the problem. Also maybe remove the warning if it has not been spotted again. For example very often windows update fixes driver issues automatically, but there is still error message.

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  • Dec 4 2020
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    Kalle Saunamäki commented
    April 22, 2021 09:07

    Driver issues as reported by Applixure for each device and/or in the alerts, are only shown for those devices/drivers that are currently being reported by the Windows as having issues (not installed etc.). So if the OS is not anymore reporting issue for specific device (erroring device in Device Manager tree) and the Applixure Agent has reported data since that time, it should not be shown in the Applixure data either.

    For date, we have now added rewind or timeline feature accessible from each Agent's details page that will show, among other significant change data for that device, appearance and disappearance of these device driver issues.