Applixure User Ideas

Our customers made these suggestions for improving Applixure, add yours too!

Windows 10 Update Health view to dashboards

To help administrators in being top of their Windows 10 deployments, two health meters are suggested:

1. Quality update health is shown regarding to sub-build number
- Green: sub-build number is equal or greater than the oldest quality update build number fitting in a six-week period
- Yellow: Sub-build number is equal to main build's RTM sub-build AND the operating system install OR feature upgrade happened less than two weeks ago (two weeks grace for updates).
- Red: Sub-build number does not fit the above

2. Feature update health is shown regarding to main build number:
- Green: main build number fit within the last nine months (3-month grace newest build)
- Yellow: main build number does not fit the green category, but is within mainstream support
- Red: main build number does not fit within mainstream support

Later, you could introduce a customer-configurable variables to configure the grace times for both quality and feature updates.
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  • Sep 18 2019
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    Kalle Saunamäki commented
    December 07, 2020 10:49

    This is now implemented in Applixure through updating status in OS Security Readiness, showing if the agent device has the latest known security update available from vendor (MS/Apple). This matching is done against UBR number and/or installed KB information from the device.

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