Applixure User Ideas

Our customers made these suggestions for improving Applixure, add yours too!

Include Ship Date in the device export report

Our business is introducing a process where all laptops over 5 years old are to be replaced with a new unit. Previously, I was having to try and calculate how old a laptop is from the 'End of warranty' date, but this is difficult as some devices have an extended date ranging from 1 year to 3 years.
I have since found that a 'Ship Date' is available for Dell laptops by using Dell Command and, with the 2 reports (from Applixure and Dell), I am able to produce a complete list of devices with technical details and the date the laptop was shipped.

It would be great if Applixure was able to automatically pull the ship date from Dell and add this to the device information for export.

  • Lee Walker
  • Jul 4 2024
  • Attach files